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Have Faith In Your Faith

Your faith walk had to have a beginning. So, how did your walk of faith begin? Was it a quiet draw or an insatiable drive to search and find the One your soul longs for? However, your journey began. It started with a need and that need was activated by faith. Faith that we were made for more and could experience more. That there is something to be found and worth the effort of finding. We are relational beings. God did not design us to live without the companionship of others and without the companionship of a divine father. We can ignore the void of not having our spiritual needs tended to. One can regulate this innate need and live a life never having experienced it. But if you are a soul that is seeking and willing to embrace it, you will need your faith to propel you forward. Once you have taken the leap of faith, it is upon faith that you continuously rely. Trusting in yourself in that you have chosen wisely to have faith in your need for faith. That by having faith to seek God

Faith To Rise

Devotional titled faith to rise

The walk of faith has many roads it must travel in a lifetime. The application of faith shows up when you least expect it and where there must be enough faith stored up for the task. Besides the activation of faith comes the denying of oneself in order to be what faith requires. Challenging your body, your emotions, and your will to get in line with your faith to perform Gods will.

This is no easy task. For within oneself, you can feel insecure. But God believes in your capabilities and even has faith that your faith will not fail, but the process of believing for yourself is an entirely different matter. So today, each of us is challenged to reflect on the situations and circumstances where our faith had to rise and did rise. Examine what faith produced in you and how God used you to overcome or sustain in places you yourself would not believe you could.

Look at the times when you chose to love in spite of the injury to your own heart and the faith to keep believing in the goodness of others. Remember times of great courage and sacrifice that cost you in the deepest ways and left you wounded in spirit but in joy of character. Remember how you have stayed strong in your love for the Father despite the trials that left you perplexed and often upset about being chosen to endure them.

Gods faith in the faith He has supplied to you is at work. You have the faith to rise through and above any trial you face. Just look at your own track record. The One who has instilled you with His power and His strength is beckoning you to recall that in Him and with Him you will continue to rise because of the measure of faith He has entrusted you with.

The walk of faith requires courage and is full of trials that may feel insurmountable, making you feel ill- equipped to handle them. But God is a God of supply. He will not place you in situations without the tools to win. So walk on this winding journey of life knowing that whatever comes your way, you will have enough faith to rise, to meet, and to conquer any hurdle that comes your way.

Now it's your turn to let your soul speak. How is your faith rising in your daily walk with the King? Grab your pen and pad and journal your story today. May your faith rise as you recall your own faith journey!

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