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Have Faith In Your Faith

Your faith walk had to have a beginning. So, how did your walk of faith begin? Was it a quiet draw or an insatiable drive to search and find the One your soul longs for? However, your journey began. It started with a need and that need was activated by faith. Faith that we were made for more and could experience more. That there is something to be found and worth the effort of finding. We are relational beings. God did not design us to live without the companionship of others and without the companionship of a divine father. We can ignore the void of not having our spiritual needs tended to. One can regulate this innate need and live a life never having experienced it. But if you are a soul that is seeking and willing to embrace it, you will need your faith to propel you forward. Once you have taken the leap of faith, it is upon faith that you continuously rely. Trusting in yourself in that you have chosen wisely to have faith in your need for faith. That by having faith to seek God

Holder Of My Fragile Heart

Devotional titled Holder Of My Fragile Heart #heardanduplifted #devotional

Have you ever found yourself dealing with what feels like endless pain and troubles? So much so it seems as if you cannot recall when your spirit wasn’t heavy and grieved? How do you cope when your soul is tired and sore and your heart is so fragile?

As, a child of the most high, you are called to live a life as a light to the world, but what happens when the trials and disappointments of life leave you feeling broken and heavily wounded? The truth is all paths of pain lead home to the arms of our Heavenly Father. This is not a cliche nor an immediate relief from the anguish, but it is the pathway of release and recovery.

You and God are a team. He designed you to face hard things, but not alone. To endure, one must seek Him for love and replenishing. For He and only He can hold your fragile heart and restore it fully and to release it back to the battlefield of life. This system of seeking His refuge, care, hope, and counsel is how one lives with a fragile heart. He holds the relief and rest you crave while, in the midst of continuous pain.

Therefore, although the story seems long and the pain never ending, the truth is your fragile heart is constantly being fueled and restored so that you can press on in His glory and strength to be fully present in a dark and trying world.

So today, take your fragile heart to the One who can restore it and revive it to face another day.

Journal Entry:
Dear Lord, I believe your grace is sufficient for me to continue to face this life of hardship, but sometimes it is so overwhelming. Thank you, that I can daily take my tears and my bruised and fragile heart to you to repair and restore me for the days to come. I go forward with my heart in your loving hands.

Now it’s your turn to let your soul speak. Can you relate to living with a broken heart? Grab a pen and pad, share your story, and let the Lord speak to your heartache.
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