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Have Faith In Your Faith

Your faith walk had to have a beginning. So, how did your walk of faith begin? Was it a quiet draw or an insatiable drive to search and find the One your soul longs for? However, your journey began. It started with a need and that need was activated by faith. Faith that we were made for more and could experience more. That there is something to be found and worth the effort of finding. We are relational beings. God did not design us to live without the companionship of others and without the companionship of a divine father. We can ignore the void of not having our spiritual needs tended to. One can regulate this innate need and live a life never having experienced it. But if you are a soul that is seeking and willing to embrace it, you will need your faith to propel you forward. Once you have taken the leap of faith, it is upon faith that you continuously rely. Trusting in yourself in that you have chosen wisely to have faith in your need for faith. That by having faith to seek God

Who Is Your Person Of Hope?



Guided Devotional 

There is a rhythm of living and a divine order to things. We have seasons of joy and grief, seasons of reaping and harvesting, and a season of rest.  Within these seasons we find ourselves growing and stretching as we learn more about ourselves, more about our purpose, and more about the God who has orchestrated the journey we must take.

In each season of discovery there are many highs and lows. Being stewards of God is a continuous process that is individually crafted but collectively impacted. God in His infinite wisdom designed each of us to fulfill what only we can but He did not intend for us to do this alone. Our individual journeys are specific to our unique calling in Christ but it is tied to the development of character, seasons of trial and error, and testimonies of victory held by others.

God has given us written examples of those who have lived out their lives for the kingdom as guides of hope and transformation through the seasons and purpose of life so that we may refer to and look to them for  the hope we need to press on, to endure the hardships, and to witness the bounty of joy and blessings that come with being called His beloved.

But it doesn't stop there. God has provided people in our paths that we can turn to when the labour and the emotional strain seem too much. God has an ensemble,  a world full of people we can seek as our person or people of hope that we can reach to to acknowledge our struggles and then give us the spiritual food we need to keep us nourished and encouraged for the journey ahead.

God knew that we would have our weak moments. He knew we would have times when we need clarity and time to refocus our hearts and minds. He has equipped each of us whether we know them personally or can glean from their experiences through television, podcast, books, or verbal accounts. There is a community of inspiration all around given to us by God to keep us motivated, enriched, and empowered to keep living for Him and according to His ways.

So, who is your person or people of hope? Who are the spiritual safe places you seek when you are in need of comfort and counsel? Who have been your spiritual influencers? Who are the ones you trust in your vulnerable moments to fill you and steer you in the ways of the Lord and not away from Him?

Help and examples are all around. God did not leave us to walk out these seasons of life without examples of hope who are proving that we can live with grace, we can endure and still have joy, we can question our plights and express our emotions and still love God, we can live consecrated and holy lives in this present world, and that we have the victory in Him despite what we go through. God has given us encouragers and reminders of who we are and the value we hold so that we never feel alone, we know our worth, and we renew our strength and confidence in who we are and who has called us to live this life.

So, Let's give thanks to God and honor those we know and those we watch from afar who are living examples to the proof that we can live as God commands and succeed in this present world.

Journal Entry

Lord,  thank you for the safe places in my life where I can go when I need to be renewed and revived to live this life for you. Thank you for the reminder that help is provided for me in the body of Christ if I am willing to seek it out. Also Lord, please bless and strengthen those who are living for you who provide the example of victory and perserverence in the lives they lead for their example is needed to build and strengthen those who are watching.


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