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Have Faith In Your Faith

Your faith walk had to have a beginning. So, how did your walk of faith begin? Was it a quiet draw or an insatiable drive to search and find the One your soul longs for? However, your journey began. It started with a need and that need was activated by faith. Faith that we were made for more and could experience more. That there is something to be found and worth the effort of finding. We are relational beings. God did not design us to live without the companionship of others and without the companionship of a divine father. We can ignore the void of not having our spiritual needs tended to. One can regulate this innate need and live a life never having experienced it. But if you are a soul that is seeking and willing to embrace it, you will need your faith to propel you forward. Once you have taken the leap of faith, it is upon faith that you continuously rely. Trusting in yourself in that you have chosen wisely to have faith in your need for faith. That by having faith to seek God

Gifts In Waiting

Have you ever waited impatiently for a gift you knew was coming or waiting for you to open?  Have you ever considered that you are a gift waiting to be paraded and celebrated? Well you are!  You are the gift God cannot wait to present unto himself ! Can you believe that?!

God has orchestrated and planned a celebration for those who endure to the end. He prepares us and holds our hand as He walks through life with us knowing that if we could hold on in the end He awaits at the throne like a bridegroom on his wedding day ready to receive us unto himself.  Can you imagine the pride and the smile that radiates from the Father when He meets you at His altar and says well done my good and faithful servant and then presents you to join Him in His kingdom? Can you see Him presenting you and showing you off to the heavens and all of its inhabitants shouting and beaming “This is my child! This is the one who I walked with, talked with, cried with, held up and strengthened to live out his or her life on earth with the anticipation of meeting me here one day in celebration and victory!!” Oh what a celebration of praise when God finally can present you as the gift He’s been waiting for unto himself!!  

So as you press forward in life remember and recall it to your mind often that you are the gift in waiting for our precious Lord. That the journey of life living as a child of God will end in a celebration of you being presented to God in victory and pride. Every breath, every trial, every moment on earth is a preparation for the celebration to come and the final unbreakable union for eternity. So walk on, press on, live on with the assurance that you are the gift God waits for and wants to reward for living and becoming on earth a holy and precious member of the royal family that remained steadfast, unmovable, sanctified, and unashamed to live out the mandate of the king and as a result will reward you openly as a gift unto himself.

Journal Entry: Oh precious Lord and father help us to see ourselves as a gift worthy of showcasing and celebrating. Help us in our daily walk to remember that the joy is not only in what we will get on the other side but the gift we are to you for persevering and holding onto You. Today I write about the joy we will share when we are reunited together in glory in the heavens.

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