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Have Faith In Your Faith

Your faith walk had to have a beginning. So, how did your walk of faith begin? Was it a quiet draw or an insatiable drive to search and find the One your soul longs for? However, your journey began. It started with a need and that need was activated by faith. Faith that we were made for more and could experience more. That there is something to be found and worth the effort of finding. We are relational beings. God did not design us to live without the companionship of others and without the companionship of a divine father. We can ignore the void of not having our spiritual needs tended to. One can regulate this innate need and live a life never having experienced it. But if you are a soul that is seeking and willing to embrace it, you will need your faith to propel you forward. Once you have taken the leap of faith, it is upon faith that you continuously rely. Trusting in yourself in that you have chosen wisely to have faith in your need for faith. That by having faith to seek God

My Journey For Your Journey

Have you ever been going through something that required you to constantly be in prayer and to seek God’s word in order to arrive at a place of peace and understanding when all of a sudden God presents to you a person struggling with the same thing?  
Despite your awe you become even more amazed by the counsel that spews forth from you to them. It is while you are conversing with this person that you realize just how much you have gained while in communion with the Lord. You now possess a treasure chest of knowledge and information within you that is the very food needed to sustain someone else in their walk with God.
Isn't it amazing how God uses your development to aide someone else? Isn't it amazing that as you labored in your quest for understanding and closer connection with God that he equipped you and empowered you to be a vessel of help and that with strength and conviction?!!
So  what’s in you?  What have you discovered while you seek wise counsel and support from our Heavenly Father in these trying times of hardship and uncertainty? What lessons and words of wisdom and comfort can you share with a friend or neighbor? Resist the urge to keep the learnings of your journey to yourself for indeed what's been given to you on your journey may very well be what's needed in the life of someone you know. Don't be afraid, grab a hand and share what's been revealed in your learning development so that together we can strengthen each other for our journeys ahead.
Journal Entry: 
What do I have in me that can be of benefit to someone close to me on their journey? What lessons have I gained in my walk with Christ that can be used to strengthen, encourage, and challenge one's thinking and behavior as it has been revealed to me by my walk with God to deal with these trying times?

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